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DXpeditions active current operating right now

Major DXpeditions and other rare DX on-the-air right now! Every web link you'll need to work them better, faster and funner-one site to rule them all!

Selection Criteria For "CallingDX"

                                    DXpedition updates news

Great Online DX Resources

There are a huge number of resources online covering the full range of DX operations. I won't list them all - but here's a few that are very helpful and easy to use.

NG3K hosts a website called "NG3K announced DX Operations." This site has tons of good information presented in a grid like format. There are also plenty of links to other ham and DX related websites. This site is free and loads very quickly.

Bernie McClenny has a great DX offering with the "Daily DX"...
On his website there's a lot of free information and links, including the "Daily DX Calendar" but the big value here is his daily DX bulletin that is available as a paid subscription. It's emailed out every morning five days a week and sometimes there's supplemental releases as news warrants. It is easily worth the money if you're a serious DX'er. He even offers an honest to goodness free, yes FREE, two week trial.

DX Resources List:

NG3K Announced DX Activations

The Daily DX DX Forum DX Forum

Reverse Beacon Network

What DX Ops Do I Feature Here?

I don't pretend to offer in-depth coverage of every DXpedition, weekend trip or holiday style DX operation that's on-the-air from some of the more common entities. Certainly they are very important and a lot of fun - but CallingDX will focus on the rarer DXCC activations.

Some "Rough" Inclusion Guidelines For CallingDX

1) The DX entity should be in the top one hundred on Club Log's "Most Wanted" list or there must be something unusual about the DX activation that makes it noteworthy enough (example - a six meter expedition from a rare grid) to be included here.

2) It should be a multi-operator, multi transmitter, operation. Solo expeditions are cool but unless it's an extremely rare entity it won't be covered here.

3) The DX activation must be focused on a specific time period of
planned activity. Operations that are "holiday style" or "when time permits" generally won't be included here unless it's from a very rare entity.

DXpeditions news updates announced
                                dx activities


* photo at top of page courtesy of N7OU see his interview on DX-Coffee here!


2018 DXpeditions at

6O6O - Somalia - Jan 3-16, 2018 - QRT
3Y0Z - Bouvet - Jan / Feb, 2018
D68I - Comoros Island - Jan 29-Feb 10, 2018
3D2EU - Rotuma - Feb 23 to March 16, 2018
4B4B - Revillagigedo - March, 2018
XR0YD - Easter Island - March, 2018
XX9B - Macao - March 9-17, 2018
9M0W - Spratly Island - March 2018
3B7A - Agalega & St. Brandon - April, 2018
KH1/KH7Z - Baker Island - June/July, 2018
CY9C - St. Paul Island - August 1-9, 2018
TX5T - Austral Islands - August 15-21, 2018
TO6OK - Mayotte Islands - Sept 20-Oct 6, 2018
VK9XG - Christmas Island - Oct 16-30, 2018
ZL7X - Chatham Island - Oct 16-22, 2018
VP6D - Ducie - Oct/Nov, 2018

>>> The 2018 Announced DXpeditions - Printable Calendar Page Is Available Here! <<<

If you have comments or information to share regarding any DX station email us at:


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accepted, no registration or login required!

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But ... if you enjoy using this website and would like to show your appreciation, please make a donation directly to the American Red Cross - thank you for your support!



Every web link you need to work the DX better, faster and funner - one site to rule them all!


Copyright © 2015 by Randy Holt / WB9LUR  -  QRZ page


Other links where you may find important info regarding announced DX activations: DX-World  |  The Daily DX  | DX Forum  | DX Forum   |  The Reverse Beacon Network  |  ClubLog  |  Announced DX Activations